Gruppe: Danaher
Radiometer Medical
Über uns
Radiometer ist ein führender Anbieter technologisch modernster Lösungen für die Notfalldiagnostik im Labor und am Point-of-Care.
Radiometer entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt Lösungen für Blutprobenentnahme, Blutgasanalyse, Transkutanes Monitoring, Immunoassays und dazugehörige IT-Systeme unter den Markennamen ABL, AQT, TCM, RADIANCE, AQURE, PICO, CLINITUBES und QUALICHECK.
Radiometer wurde 1935 gegründet mit dem Ziel, Messinstrumente für die wachsende Radioindustrie herzustellen. Als jedoch 1952-53 im Rahmen der großen Polioepidemie in Europa viele Kinder an Ateminsuffizienz starben, entwickelte Radiometer ein Gerät, um den Atmungsstatus bei Kindern durch Messen der pH- und pCO2-Werte im Blut zu bestimmen.
Dieser Wechsel hin zur Medizintechnik war in der Geschichte von Radiometer bahnbrechend. Seit der Erfindung des weltweit ersten Blutgasanalysators 1954 ist Radiometer führend im Bereich der Blutgasanalyse. Heute ist die Analysegenauigkeit der Radiometer Produkte so hoch angesehen, dass andere Hersteller von Blutgasanalysatoren Radiometer Analysatoren als Referenzinstrumente einsetzen.
Unsere Werte
This is who we are and the essence of why we come to work every day
Our mission
To help caregivers make diagnostic decisions that save lives
At Radiometer, our mission is to help caregivers make diagnostic decisions that save lives.
To provide caregivers the insight and confidence that help them arrive at the right diagnostic decisions, which help save lives.
It’s a matter of pride and humility for us that the information our solutions provide are often the difference between life and death. And this is what drives and unites us as a company.
We are blessed with ambitious and innovative colleagues that continually work hard to meet the needs and even surpass the expectations of our customers by bringing new and innovative life-saving ideas to the market.
Our vision
Improving global healthcare with reliable, fast and easy patient diagnoses
At Radiometer, we never take care for granted.
Every day, half a million blood samples are tested around the world, using Radiometer equipment – that’s six samples a second, 360 samples a minute and more than 21,000 samples an hour. Every year, millions of lives are touched by the information our solutions provide, and this is why we strive to be our very best every day.
Only by understanding the needs of our caregivers, can we develop the right products and solutions to fulfil our vision of improving global healthcare. The more critical the setting, the greater the requirement and that is why we strive to provide solutions that are reliable, fast and easy to understand and use.
Building on the value of continuous improvement and an ambition to meet customer needs, our vision is to improve global healthcare with reliable, fast and easy patient diagnoses.