Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen 6321 ergo shape
medizinischhöhenverstellbarauf Rollen

Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen - 6321 ergo shape - Score BV - medizinisch / höhenverstellbar / auf Rollen
Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen - 6321 ergo shape - Score BV - medizinisch / höhenverstellbar / auf Rollen
Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen - 6321 ergo shape - Score BV - medizinisch / höhenverstellbar / auf Rollen - Bild - 2
Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen - 6321 ergo shape - Score BV - medizinisch / höhenverstellbar / auf Rollen - Bild - 3
Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen - 6321 ergo shape - Score BV - medizinisch / höhenverstellbar / auf Rollen - Bild - 4
Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen - 6321 ergo shape - Score BV - medizinisch / höhenverstellbar / auf Rollen - Bild - 5
Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen - 6321 ergo shape - Score BV - medizinisch / höhenverstellbar / auf Rollen - Bild - 6
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für Gesundheitseinrichtungen, medizinisch
auf Rollen, mit Rückenlehne
rot, beige
Weitere Eigenschaften

Min: 80 cm
(31,5 in)

Max: 100 cm
(39,4 in)


Are you looking for a Medical ergo shape with extra support for your lower back? If so, the 6321 is a ‘must have’. This versatile stool is especially made for use in a medical environment, has an ergonomically shaped seat that prevents pins and needles while sitting and has a height-adjustable crescent backrest. The Medical 6321 ergo shape is a high-quality stool made of strong and durable materials. It is available in two upholsteries and a wide range of colours or colour combinations, depending on the chosen fabric. There is always one that perfectly matches your interior or corporate identity. High quality stool Equipped with ergo shape seat With crescent backrest Available in two upholsteries Several colours available For medical workplaces Are you looking for a Medical ergo shape with extra support for your lower back? If so, the 6321 is a ‘must have’. This versatile stool is especially made for use in a medical environment, has an ergonomically shaped seat that prevents pins and needles while sitting and has a height-adjustable crescent backrest. Just how you want it! Strong, durable and trendy The Medical 6321 ergo shape is a high-quality stool made of strong and durable materials. The ergo shape seat optimises the blood circulation in your legs while sitting. You have a choice of two types of fabric: PUxx and Stamskin. They are both antibacterial, 100 per cent waterproof for optimum hygiene, and you can even wipe PUxx with disinfectant detergents. Alcohol, chlorine and hydrogen peroxide solutions, for example. That is what makes it so ideal for medical environments.



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