Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen 6301 ergo shape
medizinischhöhenverstellbarauf Rollen

Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen - 6301 ergo shape - Score BV - medizinisch / höhenverstellbar / auf Rollen
Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen - 6301 ergo shape - Score BV - medizinisch / höhenverstellbar / auf Rollen
Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen - 6301 ergo shape - Score BV - medizinisch / höhenverstellbar / auf Rollen - Bild - 2
Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen - 6301 ergo shape - Score BV - medizinisch / höhenverstellbar / auf Rollen - Bild - 3
Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen - 6301 ergo shape - Score BV - medizinisch / höhenverstellbar / auf Rollen - Bild - 4
Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen - 6301 ergo shape - Score BV - medizinisch / höhenverstellbar / auf Rollen - Bild - 5
Hocker für Gesundheitseinrichtungen - 6301 ergo shape - Score BV - medizinisch / höhenverstellbar / auf Rollen - Bild - 6
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für Gesundheitseinrichtungen, medizinisch
auf Rollen
schwarz, blau, beige
Weitere Eigenschaften

Max: 100 cm
(39,4 in)

Min: 80 cm
(31,5 in)


A stool that doesn't give you pins and needles after a while? That is where the Medical 6301 ergo shape comes in. We might call it a stool, but it is actually much more than that. This versatile stool is made especially for medical work environments and features a unique, ergonomically shaped seat that ensures optimal circulation in the legs. Similar to the 6300, but just a bit higher. For when you have a high workplace, or are just a bit taller than average. The Medical 6301 ergo shape is a high-quality chair made of strong and durable materials. It comes in two types of upholstery and several trendy colours or colour combinations, but do you need it quickly? We always have the Medical 6301 ergo shape in black Stamskin in stock. High quality Higher version of the Medical 6300 ergo shape For medical workplaces With ergo shape seat Available in two upholsteries Several colours available A stool that doesn't give you pins and needles after a while? That is where the Medical 6301 Ergo Shape Balance comes in. We might call it a stool, but it is actually much more than that. This versatile stool is designed explicitly for medical treatments and general use in medical examination rooms. It has a unique, ergonomically shaped seat that ensures optimal blood circulation in your legs. Similar to the 6300, but just a bit higher. For when you have a high workplace, or are just a bit taller than average. Strong, durable and trendy The Medical 6300 ergo shape is a high-quality chair made of strong and durable materials. You have a choice of two types of fabric: PUxx and Stamskin.


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