Anatomisches Modell / Unterkiefer 9971 GT

Anatomisches Modell / Unterkiefer - 9971 GT - Nacional Ossos - Oberkiefer / Zahn / gingival
Anatomisches Modell / Unterkiefer - 9971 GT - Nacional Ossos - Oberkiefer / Zahn / gingival
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Unterkiefer, Oberkiefer, Zahn, gingival
Weitere Eigenschaften
mit Gelenk


- COMPOSITION Mandible with some teeth and gum Maxilla with some teeth and gum Model Holder Block for bone graft - FEATURES - Maxilla with absence of teeth 11, 12, 21 and 22, Maxillary Sinus with flexible membrane, ATM, Zygomatic, Auricular and Occipital. - Alveolus defective in the area between 21/22 - Mandible with absence of teeth 35, 36, 37, 45, 46 and 47 and with reabsorbed area for regeneration. - Mandible and maxilla coated with material that simulates soft tissue, allowing incision, detachment and suture, articulating the premolars. - PROCEDURES INDICATED WITH THIS PRODUCT - Regeneration Guided by Membrane of teeth 11 to 22; 35 to 37; 45 to 47. - Donor ramus or chin area. - Side view of the skull with ATM exposure for student and patient explanation - Incision and suture as in the patient, because the mandible and maxilla are covered with material that simulates soft tissue (gum), and these processes are as important as the surgical.


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* Die Preise verstehen sich ohne MwSt., Versandkosten und Zollgebühren. Eventuelle Zusatzkosten für Installation oder Inbetriebnahme sind nicht enthalten. Es handelt sich um unverbindliche Preisangaben, die je nach Land, Kurs der Rohstoffe und Wechselkurs schwanken können.