Anatomisches Modell / Tibia 11191

Anatomisches Modell / Tibia - 11191 - Nacional Ossos - Fuß / Knöchel / Ausbildung
Anatomisches Modell / Tibia - 11191 - Nacional Ossos - Fuß / Knöchel / Ausbildung
Anatomisches Modell / Tibia - 11191 - Nacional Ossos - Fuß / Knöchel / Ausbildung - Bild - 2
Anatomisches Modell / Tibia - 11191 - Nacional Ossos - Fuß / Knöchel / Ausbildung - Bild - 3
Anatomisches Modell / Tibia - 11191 - Nacional Ossos - Fuß / Knöchel / Ausbildung - Bild - 4
Anatomisches Modell / Tibia - 11191 - Nacional Ossos - Fuß / Knöchel / Ausbildung - Bild - 5
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Tibia, Fuß, Knöchel
mit Muskulatur


The Ankle with complete structures was developed with the latest technology and a rigid quality system for the advanced training of ankle surgeries, for the benefit of students, academics, researchers and health professionals. Composed of the distal portion of the upper limb and produced with materials similar physically and cognitively to the natural human. Composition: Left Tibia with 8mm medullary, cancellous and Fibula Left foot in rigid and solid polyurethane, Characteristics: Ankle produced with synthetic materials that simulate the natural human, making it extremely realistic. Providing advanced training that further raises the professional's technical level. MUSCLE: M1: Anterior Tibial Muscle M2: Long Finger Extensive Muscle M3: Long Hallux Extensor Muscle M4: Long Fibular Muscle M5: Lateral Gastrocnemius Muscle M6: Medial Gastroccnemius Muscle M7: Soleus Muscle M8: Hallux Abductor Muscle M9: Short Flexor of the Toe Muscle M10: Fifth Toe Abductor Muscle RETINACULUM: SER: Superior Extensor Retinaculum IER: Inferior Extensor Retinaculum LIGAMENTS: PTFL: Posterior Talo-Fibular Ligament CFL: Calcaneofibular Ligament ATFL: Anterior Talo-Fibular Ligament TCL: Tibiocalcaneal Ligament TNL: Tibionavicular Ligament ATL: Anterior Tibiotalar Ligament PTTL: Posterior Tibiotalar Ligament NERVS: N1: Superficial Peroneal Nerve N2: Median Cutaneous Nerve N3: Intermediate Cutaneous Nerve ARTERIES: A1: Tibialis Anterior A2: Dorsal Artery of the Foot A3: Arched Artery A4: Metatarsal Arteries


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