Anatomisches Modell / Knochen 2040BEESP

Anatomisches Modell / Knochen - 2040BEESP - Nacional Ossos - Knie / Tibia / Oberschenkelknochen
Anatomisches Modell / Knochen - 2040BEESP - Nacional Ossos - Knie / Tibia / Oberschenkelknochen
Anatomisches Modell / Knochen - 2040BEESP - Nacional Ossos - Knie / Tibia / Oberschenkelknochen - Bild - 2
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Knochen, Knie, Tibia, Oberschenkelknochen
für Implantologie
für die Ausbildung


2040BEESP - LEFT KNEE WITH CANCELLOUS MATERIAL AND MEDULLARY CANAL WITH LIGAMENTS SIMULATION Developed in rigid polyurethane, it has cortical layer and cancellous material. The diameter of the medullary canal is 7mm. It is attached together by a flexible material simulating the lateral, anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. This model has a natural shape. Composed by Femur cod. 2025BESP + Tibia cod. 2026BESP. Developed in rigid polyurethane, it has cortical layer and cancellous material. The diameter of the medullary canal is 7mm. It is attached together by a flexible material simulating the lateral, anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. Specially used for knee prosthesis, external fixator, plates and ligaments reconstruction workshop. This model has a natural shape.


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