Anatomisches Modell / Knochen 1008

Anatomisches Modell / Knochen - 1008  - Nacional Ossos - Radius / Humerus / Elle
Anatomisches Modell / Knochen - 1008  - Nacional Ossos - Radius / Humerus / Elle
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Knochen, Radius, Humerus, Hand
für orthopädische Chirurgie
für die Ausbildung


1008 - LEFT ARM (IMP.) Developed in rigid polyurethane. The Humeral bone has a cortical, cancellous and medullary canal. Radio, Ulna and Hand are massive bones. Connected by elastic filaments simulating articulation. Used in practical work or demonstrations such as prosthesis placement. Compound of the Humerus cod. 1004, Radio cod. 1003, Ulna code. 1002 and Hand code. 1001. Developed in rigid polyurethane. The Humeral bone has a cortical, cancellous and medullary canal. Radio, Ulna and Hand are massive bones. Connected by elastic filaments simulating articulation. Used in practical work or demonstrations such as prosthesis placement. Compound of the Humerus cod. 1004, Radio cod. 1003, Ulna code. 1002 and Hand code. 1001.


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