Modellhalter 5027

Modellhalter - 5027  - Nacional Ossos
Modellhalter - 5027  - Nacional Ossos
Modellhalter - 5027  - Nacional Ossos - Bild - 2
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5027 - UNIVERSAL 360° VISE FOR WORKSHOP Nacional Ossos has developed the vise to fix the bones to the work table, allowing the studant to work with two hands, be safe and save time. It is ideal to be used with bones that have support block and models: femur, tibia, humerus. Availability: In stock Developed to fix the bones on the work tables, letting the students and professors work comfortably and confidently with both hands. It is used with bones with holding blocks as femur, tibia and humerus to fix on the vise. It can be fixed at any superficial area because it does not have a height adjustment. The bones for training are not included.

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* Die Preise verstehen sich ohne MwSt., Versandkosten und Zollgebühren. Eventuelle Zusatzkosten für Installation oder Inbetriebnahme sind nicht enthalten. Es handelt sich um unverbindliche Preisangaben, die je nach Land, Kurs der Rohstoffe und Wechselkurs schwanken können.