Medizinisches Ultraschallbad IN4-UP3211

Medizinisches Ultraschallbad - IN4-UP3211 - IN4 Technology - Dental
Medizinisches Ultraschallbad - IN4-UP3211 - IN4 Technology - Dental
Medizinisches Ultraschallbad - IN4-UP3211 - IN4 Technology - Dental - Bild - 2
Medizinisches Ultraschallbad - IN4-UP3211 - IN4 Technology - Dental - Bild - 3
Medizinisches Ultraschallbad - IN4-UP3211 - IN4 Technology - Dental - Bild - 4
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medizinisch, Dental


Clean artificial teeth, jewelry, watch with new technology "Nano-Silver and UV light" Multi-function Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Product Introduction Features 1. The Nano & UV artificial teeth cleaner, the first multi-function washer, adopts the newest vibration and sterilization effect in cleaning dentures, jewelry and so on it's vibration reaches 8,000 times per minute in order to move away stains from dentures and jewelry. In addition, we adopt the latest Japanese technics of UV light sterilization and nano-silver mixture container to deodorize, sterilize and wash at one step. 2. This multi-function washer conbines with the latest electronic sterilization technology and nano-silver bacteriostasis. Specially, no consumable replacement is needed. 3. Built-in power saving timer shuts the power automatically after 5 minutes when you turn on. 4. You don't have to use any other chemical detergent but water. Through the latest UV light sterilization and nano-silver bacteriostasis, it can reach 100% spotless effect without residual chemical which might damage your denture or jewelry.


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