Ozongenerator Spectra SilentPro

Ozongenerator - Spectra SilentPro - Grizzly Robotics
Ozongenerator - Spectra SilentPro - Grizzly Robotics
Ozongenerator - Spectra SilentPro - Grizzly Robotics - Bild - 2
Ozongenerator - Spectra SilentPro - Grizzly Robotics - Bild - 3
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Spectra SilentPro Lite is a Air flow UVC germicidal lamp with the output 72W or 110W of UVC radiation. In addition, the Air flow technology can be appended by 2 external UVC bulbs for the open (direct) UVC radiation. The outside bulbs has the output of 72W or 110W of UVC radiation. This device offers also the option of an ozone generator with the output 20 000 mg/h.


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